Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Where does oxygen released during photosynthesis come from

Top sites by search query "where does oxygen released during photosynthesis come from"

Cellular Respiration:

In some ways similar to the chloroplast, the mitochondria also has two main sites for the reactions: The matrix, a liquidy part of the mitochondrion, and the christae, the folded membranes in the mitochondrion. In our cells, anaerobic respiration results in the production of lactic acid, the molecule that builds up when you 'feel the burn' during or after strenuous exercise

point to Flaveria (Asteraceae), Panicum (Poaceae) and Alternanthera (Amarantheceae) as genera that contain species that are intermediates between C3 and C4 photosynthesis. Some varieties convert to C3 plants at the end of the day when their acid stores are depleted if they have adequate water, and even at other times when water is abundant

This is how oxygen moves into our blood and throughout our system.Gills work the same way, except that they use water instead of air to pull oxygen into the blood. This oxygen is what fish filter through their lungs to breathe.While plants supply great additional oxygen, surface area is the best source of oxygen for your fish


The proteins operate similarly to a group of dominoes: after the first one has been pushed, each protein transfers energy to each member along down the line. The electrons from the electron transport chain combine with these H+ ions and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate ions (NADP+) to form adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and a reduced unit of NADP+, called NADPH (NADP plus an electron, or H)

The Last Psychiatrist: Where Does A Tree Get Its Mass?

I find it best to just say "Not to my satisfaction, no." and then when they stumble through some ridiculous explanation, just respond with "Sounds complicated." It happens all the time. Of course, this same guy once launched into how the earth isn't as old as we think it is, because it was "proven" that the speed of light isn't a constant, invalidating carbon dating

This stores the energy in chemical bonds (in the sugars) and releases O2.The chemical equation for this is:6CO2 + 6H2 C6H12O6(sugar) + 6O2The plants use those sugars like we do when we consume them, for energy. Plants actually hold on to a small amount of the oxygen they produced in photosynthesis and use that oxygen to break down carbohydrates to give them energy

Chem4Kids.com: Oxygen: General Info and Everyday Items

Did you know that if you breathe too much oxygen you could die? What about this: If you have a room filled with oxygen and hydrogen (H) and someone lights a match..

Glossary of Terms: P

Its main identifying traits are a poorly decomposed organic layer, an eluviated A horizon, and a B horizon with illuviated organic matter, aluminum, and iron. All of the sugar produced in the photosynthetic cells of plants and other organisms is derived from the initial chemical combining of carbon dioxide and water with sunlight

While the molecules are being rearranged in this cycle, carbon dioxide is produced, and electrons are pulled off and passed into an electron transport system which, just as in photosynthesis, generates a lot of ATP for the plant to use for growth and reproduction. They conserve water a lot better than we do.Can plants live without animals? Can animals live without plants?Thanks for asking.Click Here to return to the search form

What does this have to do with photosynthesis? It turns out that photosynthetic reaction centers are natural photochemical switches of molecular dimensions. The burning of fossil fuels releases not only carbon dioxide, but also hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and other trace materials that pollute the atmosphere and contribute to long-term health and environmental problems

Some plants living in desert climates, such as cacti, keep their stomates closed during the day to minimize evaporation (stomates are openings in the leaf surface to enhance gas exchange). The other photosystem, PS I, also catalyzes light-induced charge separation in a fashion basically similar to PS II: light is harvested by an antenna, and light energy is transferred to a reaction center chlorophyll, where light-induced charge separation is initiated

The electrons and hydrogen ions are used, and some of the oxygen may get used for respiration, but a lot of them just go back out to the atmosphere where you and I may breath them with our very own gas exchange systems. One of the hard to understand aspects of light, is that it appears to travel as either a wave or a particle depending on how you happen to be looking at it

Photosynthesis and energy in nature - from Flying Turtle Exploring

(Go ahead, count them in the picture above.) This ability to hold on to four other atoms, allows for a tremendous diversity and variety of molecules based on the carbon atom attached to other atoms. Those 6 atoms combine themselves with each other (always making four attachments to carbon) to make all the carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and nucleic acids, that make up the human body and all other life forms

biology - Plants that release oxygen even at night - Skeptics Stack Exchange

It has been suggested that when they live as epiphyte, they use CAM pathway to produce carbohydrates and when they live on soil, they switch to C3 type photosynthesis

Autumn Leaves and Fall Colors - Why do autumn leaves change color?

Did you ever wonder how and why a fall leaf changes color? Why a maple leaf turns bright red? Where do the yellows and oranges come from? Table of Contents Why Do Leaves Change Color? Photosynthesis Autumn Preparations for Winter Learn More: Surviving Winter Easy Reading Projects To answer those questions, we first have to understand what leaves are and what they do

Posted by: Answer Man on February 10, 2010 well from memory: you three are correct! This exponential increase in mass is a 'complex' combination of the three - water, light and CO(2). As farmers just help trees to get their needs from their surroundings (Of course they some times give fertilizers to them but not always) teachers should just help students to get knowledge from other sources in most cases and give them direct informations just in special cases

Algae Fuel In the search for alternatives to gasoline, are algae the answer? From Pond Scum to Power In this animated primer, learn why algae and other plants make oil, and how algae oil gets converted to biodiesel. The Perfect Hunter Could social intelligence be the key to hyenas' deadly hunting skills? Sexual Cannibalism Biologist Maydianne Andrade says that the gruesome mating behavior of some spiders is a lesson in evolution

Where does Atmospheric Oxygen Come from? (with pictures)

Things then seemed to balance out for a long period as other organisms evolved to use oxygen to provide energy by the oxidation of carbon, producing carbon dioxide (CO2). It is also important to note that trees don't just grow, they produce fruits and nuts, which use a lot of carbon (not to mention the decomposition process wherein the fallen tree becomes food for bacteria, fungus, and animals) and are another way by which forests are net carbon sequesterer (they take in more than they release)

Other People Are Reading Why Is Water Important to Photosynthesis? Where Does Glucose Come From in Plants? Sunlight and Photosynthesis The sun's rays are the first step in the process of photosynthesis. The chemical process that results from combining light energy, water, and carbon dioxide creates simple sugars, but the oxygen that is introduced into the equation by water is not really required

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