3. Story walkthrough - Final Fantasy XIII-2 Walkthrough
- Finally, the Western part of the area (Clearwater Marshes) can only be reached either by flying there with a chocobo, or by using the Golden cactus statue to warp there.It might also be worth anticipating you that there will be three more Green Cacti Statues (like this), but only after the main story events have been cleared. If you head for the "Sanctorium" (the area where the giant dragon, your target, has been spawned), you will see a giant turtle-dinosaur enemy on your way: it's the Long Gui, an old acquaintance of yours, if you played FF XIII
Thank you for using my guide Reply C4pture says: February 13, 2012 at 19:44 In case u missed some i could help you complete your guide, already collected most of them Reply noobbgodlike says: February 14, 2012 at 06:53 okay, helps are really welcomed. Reply bogorragar says: February 22, 2012 at 13:49 awesome guide and great work makin it i keep checkin daily for updates on the fragments i jus cant find on my own jus wanted to thank u Reply noobbgodlike says: February 22, 2012 at 18:59 :D, Glad you like it
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Video Game) - TV Tropes
Take Your Time: Due to how the Historia Crux works, time will stop flowing in one location once you leave, and will only continue flowing when you return. Serah dying and the entirety of time on Pulse and the "new Cocoon" falling into Chaos isn't a bad future? It gets worse when it's revealed that now people can't have newborns and can no longer die naturally
2. General hints and tips - Final Fantasy XIII-2 Walkthrough
Twilight Odin is also a choice, for the post-game, but it takes a ton of resources to invest in him, so the Golden Chocobo and Tonberry are probably easier choices.- RAV: you shouldn't need a RAV monster for most of the game, so you should hunt one only for the Post-Game. This enemy drops way more CP (2,000 per fight), and should be taken seriously (use MED+COM+SEN if necessary), especially when in the middle of the fight he fully heals and starts using devastating zone attacks (the SEN can still be useful though)
The Final Boss - Final Fantasy XIII-2 Wiki Guide - IGN
Com + Rav + Med Remember to get Flanitor Com + Rav + Rav Flanbanero can be a good Ravenger Rav+Com+Com Golden Chocobo is a great commando(Go to the Dying World to get it)
It will probably happen to you in the Yaschas Massif or the Bresha Ruins that you already have two active tasks and can't talk to new people to start tasks until you finish your current ones. You will need 40-50 hours to obtain about 140 of all 160 fragments, and about 10-15 more hours to obtain the last ones (fully explore all maps, obtain a full bestiary)
The key to winning this battle is smart use of Paradigms, switching in and out of different roles to reduce damage and exploit every possible window of attack. 1,000 casino coins will cost you 10,000 Gil, so if you feel you can easily make and lose 100,000 gil on obtaining this fragment, then this is your quickest method
Sunleth Waterscape 300 AF - Final Fantasy XIII-2 Wiki Guide - IGN
Boss Fight - Royal Ripeness The Flan surrounding the monstrosity will continually heal it, so you need to make sure that you're damaging it at a fast enough rate to counteract this
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Walkthrough - GameSpot
The only advantage these bosses have is their resurrection abilities, so employ the usual tactics of charging they chain guage with ravagers, followed by pummeling them with commandos once their staggered. On the metal scaffolding, you'll find a sphere with three remedies, a sphere with a Carbuncle Figurine adornment, and a hidden treasure cube with the Pathos Jewel Fragment near the Fal'Cie's head that's just out of reach at the moment
Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII) - The Final Fantasy Wiki - 10 years of having more Final Fantasy information than Cid could research!
Fang and Vanille were crystallized centuries earlier after completing their Focus, but awoke in Cocoon without knowing how or why, and were indirectly responsible for Serah being made a l'Cie. Lightning rejects this plan and leads Kain, Tifa, Laguna, Yuna and Vaan to the Lands of Discord where the six sacrifice themselves to seal the portal to The Void the manikins are emerging from
Question List - Final Fantasy XIII-2 Answers for PlayStation 3 - GameFAQs
In the aftermath of World War III, Earth has been ravaged and the population decimated by a de...The Last RemnantLong ago, the world was filled with Remnants -- mysterious artifacts from an ancient civilization. But as time passed...Tales of Xillia 2Tales of Xillia 2 centers around Ludger Kresnik, a young man and a skilled chef who lives in Trigleph city in Elympio..
Final Fantasy XIII-2 - The Final Fantasy Wiki - 10 years of having more Final Fantasy information than Cid could research!
The last Yeul tells Serah that whenever people die in the Void Beyond it takes the shape of their heart's desires, and warns her that as she changes the timeline she brings herself closer to death. Caius leaves them with a band of Cie'th and after defeating them, Serah, Noel and Mog give chase to Caius, but he disappears every time they catch up to him
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