Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Write a c program to find the transpose of a given matrix

Top sites by search query "write a c program to find the transpose of a given matrix"

MacSpice - User's Guide (5)

The commands are executed immediately, without running any analyses that may be specified in the circuit (to execute the analyses before the script executes, include a run command in the script). 5.3.ga Gather: Indexed read from a vector General form: gather dst src map Gather copies the elements of src specified by the vector map, which must be real-valued, to the destination dst

Perl: grep, map and sort

(Software engineers would say that grep has more cohesion than a loop.) Bottom line: if you are not experienced with Perl, go ahead and use loops; as you become familiar with Perl, take advantage of power tools like grep. (The meaning of "hash" in Perl is related to, but not identical to, the meaning of "hash" in computer science.) The hash keys are the elements of grep's input list; the hash values are running counts of how many times an element has passed through grep's BLOCK

caching - How does one write code that best utilizes the CPU cache to improve performance? - Stack Overflow

Unfortunately the cache line size varies dramatically between processors, so there's no way to guarantee that a data structure that's optimal on one processor will be efficient on any other. Improving cache line utilization helps in three respects: It tends to fit more useful data in the cache, essentially increasing the effective cache size

Given an array of strings, find if the strings can be chained to form a circle - GeeksforGeeks

Note that a directed graph has eulerian circuit only if in degree and out degree of every vertex is same, and all non-zero degree vertices form a single strongly connected component

unix - Transpose a file in bash - Stack Overflow

When compiled with -O2, it runs slightly faster than ghostdog's awk and slightly slower than Stephan's thinly wrapped c python on my machine for repeated "Hello world" input lines

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C Program Write a Program to Check the Number Divisible by 5 or Not

C Program Returns NonZero if its Arg is either a Letter or a Digit returns zero C Program Write a Program to ForEach Write a C program to is a char alphanumeric

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C Program Write a Program to Check the String is Palindrome or Not

C Program Returns NonZero if its Arg is either a Letter or a Digit returns zero C Program Write a Program to ForEach Write a C program to is a char alphanumeric. Problem Statement:The two strings will be use to check for palindrome situation with the use of String reverse function and control statement for checking both the strings

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