Pokemon HeartGold Version Pokemon Location Guide for DS by BikdipOnABus - GameFAQs
Not all of these are actually obtainable before upgrading to the National Dex, but since the numbering system includes them with the ones that are available, they are listed with the rest
For the bottom ice puzzle, knock the 2nd and 3rd blocks out of the way, and then line yourself up with the first and go left to knock the ice block over. You sometimes might have to keep checking your Pokemon to see if they have found one, and when you start to get a higher amount attached to your Pokemon, they become harder to find
Magnet Train Pass To get the magnet train pass you have to talk to the copycat in saffron city (kanto)she will tell you she lost her clefairy doll and that if you find it she will give you the pass to find the clefairy doll you have to go to the pokemon fan club in vermillion city talk to the dude at the table and he will give you the clefairy doll take it to the copycat and she will give you the magnet train pass. How To Find The Gym Leaders For A Rematch Having trouble finding the Johto and Kanto gym leaders? I put down all the Gym leaders and the time you should find them and what time to battle them
How to get Celebi and Deoxys? - Pokemon Sapphire Version Questions for Game Boy Advance @ CheatsGuru.Com
I think but u can cheat by using gameshark i guess for the bypass of the event to get gs ball from the man also another way is the emulator because then u dont need to worry about buying cheat systems all the time but then i dont think u can send the pokemon to trade or sent to the next genaration of pokemon like sappire but here i am sending this From phone and playing gba emulator called myboy on android it is cool and cheats work to but u get extra features if paid full u can download the
Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver Wiki Guide - IGN
Mortar Mahogany Town Route 43 Lake of Rage Team Rocket Headquarters Mahogany Town GYM The Rising Badge Goldenrod City Radio Tower Goldenrod City Underground Route 44 Ice Path Blackthorn City Blackthorn City GYM Dragon's Den The Search for Legends Routes 45 and 46 Dark Cave New Bark Town Ecruteak City Dance Hall Whirl Islands Bell Tower To the Pokemon League Routes 27 and 26 Kanto Walkthrough To the Pokemon League Routes 27 and 26 Victory Road The Pokemon League The Indigo Plateau S.S
Johto: Radio Tower (Defeat Archer) - HeartGoldKanto: Pewter City - SoulSilver Red Orb A shiny red orb that is said to have a legend and has a deep connection with the Hoenn region. Johto: Goldenrod City (Bring a Shaymin to Flower Shop) Jade Orb A shiny green orb that is said to have a legend and has a deep connection with the Hoenn region
how to catch deoxys on soulsilver, Pokemon Soul Silver Questions and answers for Nintendo DS
MOON AT MONDAY AT MIDNIGHT AND ALOT CLEFAIRYS WILL APPEAR.MOVE TO THE CLEFAIRYS WIIL RUN.THE MOON WILL REFLECT ON THE POND.DEOXYS WILL NOT APPEAR!! YOU WILL GET A MOON STONE AND PRETTY MUCH THATS IT.DEOXYS WILL APPEAR THE NEXT NIGHT IF you TRASH THE MOON STONE IN THE POND. To get deoxys you need to either get it in a trade (look in the trade forum), an event like the Space Center Deoxys or if you have a specific event item in Sapphire, Ruby or Emerald
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