Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Westboro baptist church will picket steve jobs funeral

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Semper Fi, Marine 56th AMES- 68-70-Vietnam usmc1063 I know exactly what you mean I was also in Nam 69-70 but the crime that was committed on September 11, 2001 broke my heart. No people are braver or more violent when threatened than we are.He has no concept of the terrible enmity he has engendered in plain, good, regular ordinary Americans

Tom Wolf's entire paycheck go? More in Crime Find more crime reports Knoebels park sends fan to cool people at Scranton officer's funeral Defense argues York man didn't shoot woman, but if he did, it was self-defense Five Lebanon men busted in heroin distribution ring: AG's office Lebanon Co. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of PA Media Group

How to handle Westboro 'guests'

That's why it's important to stand against people like these no matter who they attack, they may be attacking Gays this week but next week it could be you and yours .... WHY were they coming here in the first place? Reply Report Abuse opie1 - January 23, 2015 6:10 pm Why is it that every article you reply to becomes another rant against the president, abortion, or the rights of others? These religious freaks are not here about abortion

Nate Phelps, who broke away from the church 37 years ago, posted on his Facebook page that his father was excommunicated from the church in August 2013 and is "now on the edge of death at Midland Hospice house in Topeka." Nate Phelps made the Facebook post around midnight Saturday. Forgiveness should not be a given; it should be earned by someone who is truly sorry for what they have done, and my guess is that he is far from sorry

The natural bonds of family have been braided into this twisted thinking so that children who love their parents and siblings can't separate those feelings from their sense of obligation to the church and its creed. I've heard people speculate that Phelps had repressed gay leanings or that perhaps he was sexually assaulted when he was young, leading to a lasting animosity to homosexuality

They need to read what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 5 about loving and blessing your enemies, do not judge, love the sinner but hate the sin and call no man a fool (as Louis was called) just to name a small few. I think i should stop watching these documentaries not to ignite more vehement feelings towards your nation and what a pathetic looser it has become on the international scene

On Wednesday, phone lines at the church normally staffed to handle news media queries had voice mails instructing callers to email questions to the church. Fred was excommunicated because he wanted members to be kinder, Shirley Phelps-Roper lost her spokesperson spot, and the church is now led by all males who are the only ones with the power to vote

Aggies Steal the Spotlight from WBC Protesters

Scotty's House - Where The Healing Begins Where fun and learning go hand in hand Natural Hormone Replacement Treatment Don't cuss - CALL US! Do you love chocolate? Come as you are, leave feeling beautiful! Helping you find the perfect gift We'll give you a smile that will change your life A unique and convenient way to a beautiful smile. Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) has been described as a hate group, and have been denounced by the Baptist World Alliance and the Southern Baptist Convention

Fred Phelps - RationalWiki

Either being scared shitless by the prospect of being outnumbered by anons, getting stuck in traffic, or just being their normal flaky selves prevented them from picketing. The amorphous hacker-activist alliance swore to outnumber the WBC in order to allow his Aaron's family, fiancee, and friends to have the funeral they deserved

Ivory Coast name Frenchman Dussuyer as new coach Van Gaal hints Man United may be interested in Real's Ramos Campaigners call for Kofi Annan to take charge of FIFA reform PSL star who earns R5,000 wants big move Brazil's Hulk fears 'ugly' racism at World Cup in Russia UEFA chief favourite to replace Blatter as FIFA president 'Half Lock' does a Springbok U-turn Bulls lock Flip van der Merwe has come out of self-imposed Springbok exile and joined the squad in Johannesburg as cover for the injured Victor Matfield. Details of the drug Cosby used to drug women Scott Disick wants Kris Jenner to 'mediate' for him and Kourtney Kardashian Miley Cyrus to host MTV VMAs Caitlyn Jenner unhappy with voice Rihanna taking romance with Karim Benzema slowly Cosby offered pills, payments and mentorship to women North West has a personal trainer Kim Kardashian West has hired a personal trainer for her two-year-old daughter to make her into ''a perfect physical specimen''

Bikers Block Westboro Baptist Church From Protesting Newtown Funerals

There are plenty of versus in Leviticus and Deuteronomy that forbid certain incestuous relationships which makes me believe one of the two explanations are probably accurate. Nikk Albury:April 26, 2013 at 11:02 pmI think its only a matter of time before they are singled out for random drive by shootings while they are protesting

soldiers or mocking the victims of natural disasters, she can often be found stationed behind one of her sisters or cousins, hair in hand, twisting away. There are kids scurrying past in every direction and adults sitting on patio chairs, holding cold drinks and talking about work and the weather and upcoming vacations

Shirley Phelps-Roper, Westboro Baptist Church Mouthpiece, Responds To Daughters' Defections

Members of Westboro have also recorded a song titled "God Hates the World," an adaptation of Jackson's charity single, "We Are the World." The Westboro Baptist Church protested in tornado devastated Joplin, Missouri when President Obama visited. The group permeated the mainstream media in 1998, when members picketed the funeral of Matthew Shepard, a Wyoming man who was murdered because he was gay, notes NPR

10 Insane Facts About The Westboro Baptist Church - Listverse

1 Even The KKK Hates Them Formed in the wake of the American Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan has been known for almost one hundred and fifty years as one of the worst hate groups in the world

Westboro Baptist Church Arrives to Picket in College Station

Many family members are lawyers, and additional money for the group comes from lawsuits they file, according to the center, which says WBC does not accept outside donations. The Southern Poverty Law Center calls WBC "arguably the most obnoxious and rabid hate group in America," and notes the late founder of the group, Fred Phelps, and his family provide most of the funding

Brandon Mississippi Kicks Some Westboro Baptist Church Protester Butt

Westboro Baptist is really more of an asylum than a church The Hayride has the righteous report: A couple of days before, one of them (Westboro protestors) ran his mouth at a Brandon gas station and got his arse waxed. It seems that certain Rankin county pickup trucks were parked directly behind any car that had Kansas plates in the hotel parking lot and the drivers mysteriously disappeared until after the funeral was over

Previous ; Next 1 of 12 The actor was best-known for one role, but there was more to his career than a pointy-eared Vulcan Leonard Nimoy passed away on Friday, leaving behind a 60-year legacy of excellence in film and television. Nimoy was able to use his sci-fi reputation to lampoon "true story" alien encounters in an episode of "The Simpsons." Nimoy voiced the alien Zarn in "Land of the Lost," the 2009 sci-fi comedy adventure film starring Will Ferrell as a scientist who accidentally falls into a time warp and is transported to a mysterious land

Fred Phelps' Funeral Will Not Happen, According To Westboro Baptist Church Member

Members of Westboro have also recorded a song titled "God Hates the World," an adaptation of Jackson's charity single, "We Are the World." The Westboro Baptist Church protested in tornado devastated Joplin, Missouri when President Obama visited. Read more here A group of Westboro Baptist Church protesters brought their signature brand of in-your-face activism to Hollywood, chanting and waving signs with messages like "GOD H8S FAGS" at tourists and insiders making their way to this year's Oscar ceremony

Westboro Baptist Church To Picket Sandy Hook Elementary, Praise God For Shooting

Some thins should be left out of the hands of law-makers (Who have a habit of swatting flies with bricks when trying to fix society) and be left in the hands of sensible and somber people. I guess all that inbreeding that goes on in your church really took a toll on the one brain cell you have!! Nikki Sayre December 16th, 2012 This is rediculous! Ashleigh Dringenberg December 16th, 2012 This just makes me sick

Westboro Baptist Church Home Page

"Arise, O LORD, in thine anger...because of the rage of mine enemies..." (Ps 7:6) america crossed the line on June 26, 2003, when SCOTUS ruled in Lawrence v. more Forty Hour Week Of Sinnin' (parody) You work a 40 hour week of sinnin', and you send 'em on down hell's line more Response to First Southern Baptist Church, Junction City, KS (letter) We are always ready to give an answer for a reason for the hope that is in us with meekness and fear

Westboro Baptist Church says it will protest Schuller funeral - LA Times

But a provision included in a key transportation funding bill passed by the House of Representatives on Tuesday could place a roadblock on future federal payouts. A disbarred lawyer, Fred Phelps led a small Kansas church that picketed military and celebrity funerals, preaching a doctrine of divine retribution against gays

Westboro Baptist Church Picket Schedule

Moreover, the lead singer, Patrick Monahan, proudly lives in adultery, having sluffed off his first wife; and taken a woman that is NOT his wife! "Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery." Luke 16:18 Pat seems to think that if he announces that he is "Not at all religious", that he will somehow be excused from the commandments of God. NO! Patrick knows very well, like all Doomed americans, what God requires, because God in his great mercy and compassion has sent his servants, rising early, daily and betimes (when you need it), to protest against your proud sin and warn you: "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad

You will live on live long and prosper Steve Peralta Garan March 3rd, 2015 Nonviolent? Then set Phasers on stun !!! Collene Gandy March 3rd, 2015 I believe that they were scared off by the Trekkies Brian Clark March 3rd, 2015 It will be a real eye opener for the Westboro psychopaths ; when they realize hell is not a place but a condition. Dave Jones March 2nd, 2015 why do people continue to give these inbred hillbilly asshats press time? if people would just not mention them in the news they would fade away

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