Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Gulf of mexico oil spill 2010 - new york times

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10 Geographic Facts About the Gulf of Mexico

Because it is a warm current, sea surface temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico are normally also warm, which feeds Atlantic hurricanes and helps in giving them strength. 2) The first European exploration of the Gulf of Mexico occurred in 1497 when Amerigo Vespucci sailed along Central America and entered the Atlantic Ocean through the Gulf of Mexico and the Straits of Florida (the strip of water between present-day Florida and Cuba).3) Further exploration of the Gulf of Mexico continued throughout the 1500s and after numerous shipwrecks in the region, settlers and explorers decided to establish a settlement along the northern Gulf coast

Notably, using revised risk calculations and the pregnancy scenario, the revised LOCs for BaP in shrimp and total shellfish are below the limit of detection for BaP using the HPLC method (0.39 ppb). (See Supplemental Material for more information on our data analysis methods.) Based on the mean of the detected PAH concentrations in shellfish, cancer risks for the woman and pregnancy scenarios were 0.008 and 4.2 in 1 million, respectively, from total BaP equivalent concentrations and 0.5 and 3.9 in 1 million from naphthalene

Locals blame the oil that pollutes their land and can scarcely believe the contrast with the steps taken by BP and the US government to try to stop the Gulf oil leak and to protect the Louisiana shoreline from pollution. However, two major independent investigations over the past four years suggest that as much is spilled at sea, in the swamps and on land every year as has been lost in the Gulf of Mexico so far

The disaster is in violation of a number of environmental acts, including the Clean Water Act and the Oil Pollution Act and is among the worst offshore drilling disasters in recent U.S. The smaller cube pressure vessel containment idea is much easier to fabricate and could actually be constructed from large existing oil field skids or structural wall panels

BP Gulf Oil Spill Cheat Sheet: A Timeline of Unfortunate Events : TreeHugger

Scientists claim they have found more than one oil plume, one of them "22 miles long, six miles wide and more than a thousand feet deep".BP CEO, Tony Hayward, was quoted saying: ""I'd Like My Life Back". BP was reported to be a finalist.On Friday we also compiled videos about the BP oil spill and we looked at how the oil could be cleaned up.Read more: The 'Katrina of Smell' is Attacking News Orleans Thanks to BP Oil SpillSaturday, May 1st SkyTruth, a small non-profit, analyzed radar and satellite imagery and estimated that the oil was leaking much faster than the original official estimates

Hot Topics after Angeles Associated blog BP's Claims cleanup coast Daily Deepwater disaster Drilling Florida Guard Gulf Horizon Journal Leak Louisiana Media Mexico more News NOLA.com Obama offshore over Post press RELEASE Report response Safety says spill still Street Times Transocean UPDATE Video Wall Washington Well York You Decide How should we move forward? Expanding drilling in U.S

Gulf of Mexico oil spill - Conservapedia

Federal royalty losses will be substantial and a significant drop in tolls collected for the Louisiana Highway 1 bridge at Leeville, the main artery to the Port Fourchon energy port is projected as well. Beyond the vessel crew, the negative consequences of the moratorium could impact everyone from service technicians supporting everything from diesel engines to the air condition systems to the local grocer who supplies food for the boat's galley

Long Bridge down to one lane this week for inspections More in Environment News See all Environment News San Francisco Bay Area rattled by earthquake Tuesday Louisiana must safeguard BP settlement money for our coast: John Kennedy Federal judge to rehear arguments on forcing EPA to regulate dead zone-causing nutrients Work has to stop at proposed St. All rights reserved (About Us).The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of NOLA Media Group

Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (2010) - The New York Times

13, 2014 Judge Stanwood Duval Jr of the Eastern District Court of Louisiana orders new trial for former BP engineer Kurt Mix, who was convicted of deleting text messages relevant to an investigation of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill; ruling finds that outside information influenced jury's verdict. 22, 2014 BP says it will ask Supreme Court to decide whether businesses must prove they were directly harmed by 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill to collect payments from a 2012 settlement

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