Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Gulf of mexico oil spill 2010 how it happened

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Since then, various government agencies and nonprofits, including the National Wildlife Federation, have been studying the region's wildlife to track the impacts of the oil. In particular, bottlenose dolphins and sea turtles are dying in record numbers, and the evidence is stronger than ever that their demise is connected to the spill, according to Doug Inkley, senior scientist for the National Wildlife Federation, which issued the report

Cetacean Unusual Mortality Event in Northern Gulf of Mexico (2010-present) :: NOAA Fisheries

Dropdown boxes located above the map allow filtering of the mapped locations and clicking on a mapped location will open an information window containing data associated with the selected stranding. Bottlenose dolphin stranding locations are represented by circle symbols, while stranding locations for all other cetacean species are represented by square symbols

READ MORE Why This Tea Party Leader Is Seeing Green on Solar Energy by diane toomey As a founder of the Tea Party movement, Debbie Dooley may be an unlikely advocate for renewable energy. If this oil ends up back in marsh areas that are nursery areas for the life history stages of some of the species, or the coast oyster reefs, which are typically back in bays and estuaries, it could have very long-term effects

BP Oil Spill 2010: Latest News, PHOTOS

Key ships stationed over BP's crippled well in the Gulf of Mexico were ordered to evacuate Thursday ahead of Tropical Storm Bonnie, but engineers have grown so confident in the leaky cap fixed to well head that they will leave it closed while they are gone. There is no comprehensive calculation for how much marshland was oiled by the spill, but estimates range from less than a square mile to a handful of square miles

BP Oil Spill Live Feed: VIDEO Of Gulf Coast Gusher

Key ships stationed over BP's crippled well in the Gulf of Mexico were ordered to evacuate Thursday ahead of Tropical Storm Bonnie, but engineers have grown so confident in the leaky cap fixed to well head that they will leave it closed while they are gone. There is no comprehensive calculation for how much marshland was oiled by the spill, but estimates range from less than a square mile to a handful of square miles

Oil Spill Effects on Texas - Oil Spill - What Caused the Oil Spill - Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

What caused the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill?A massive explosion on the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil drilling platform resulted in the accompanying oil gusher to release an estimated 12,000 to 100,000 barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico each day.What has been to try and stop the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill?(Note: This is a general summation. But though the spill will have an unquestioned effect on the fishing and tourism industries of many states (and possibly countries), it appears that, for the most part, the Texas coastline will largely escape the detrimental effects of the oil spill

(Read "Oil Spill Hits Gulf Coast Habitats.") Image courtesy Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA May 2: Spill Swirling Eastward Spied by a European satellite, the Gulf oil slick spreads farther on May 2, with no immediate remedy in sight.The same day U.S. Image courtesy ESA April 29: Ill Wind Spurs Oil's Landfall Now roughly the size of Puerto Rico, the Gulf of Mexico oil slick, propelled in part by a shift in wind direction, snakes toward the coast as seen in an April 29 NASA satellite picture

Gulf of Mexico clean-up makes 2010 spill 52-times more toxic

Go ahead and smite with 1-ratings and unilaterally proclaim yourself the winner all you want, it doesn't improve your math skills or magically transmute your whole cloth lies into the gold of truth, LIAR. E.g., check the entries for the exhaustively researched and documented spills in the Niger Delta and the Amazon --if a goddam oil company reports the size of an oil spill ouside the borders of a First World nation, it is automatically guaranteed to be underreported, IF IT IS EVER REPORTED IN THE FIRST PLACE.And THAT is the FACT regarding both your- and wiki's- last-word authority in this matter.QEFD

In addition, there will be discussion of how, with better information and more effective risk assessment and pre-disaster planning, public trust can be restored in this new era of energy exploration. Also still uncalculated are the social costs that have been and will continue to be incurred by the thousands of individuals, businesses, and communities that make the Gulf coast their home

Spawning habitat of bluefin tuna in Gulf of Mexico: Critical area intersects Deepwater Horizon oil spill -- ScienceDaily

It is within these hotspots that bluefin tuna prefer to spawn in circular, swirling water masses called "cyclonic eddies." These eddies are more productive and slightly cooler than surrounding warm Gulf ocean currents. These findings indicate that it would be possible to utilize spatial management techniques to protect western Atlantic bluefin tuna on their breeding grounds in the Gulf of Mexico without compromising the yellowfin tuna fishery, which could be carried out in other areas during the critical bluefin tuna breeding times

"You've done no independent analysis of any population change for any fish species, correct?" "I have not done that," Boesch replied, but he consistently defended his conclusions of potential harm based on his review of a host of reports and data. Aside from the obvious harm -- among his examples were oiled wildlife, fouled coastal marshes and damage to mangroves -- Boesch recounted potential harm to sea life populations based on the effect of oil on microbes at the bottom of the natural food chain

Much of the content of this site continues to be available for historical and information purposes, but we are no longer updating these pages on a regular basis

The disaster is in violation of a number of environmental acts, including the Clean Water Act and the Oil Pollution Act and is among the worst offshore drilling disasters in recent U.S. The smaller cube pressure vessel containment idea is much easier to fabricate and could actually be constructed from large existing oil field skids or structural wall panels

BP Found Grossly Negligent in 2010 Gulf of Mexico Spill - Bloomberg Business

history, a federal judge ruled, handing down a long-awaited decision that may force the energy company to pay billions of dollars more for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico disaster. In 2012, BP pleaded guilty to 14 federal counts, including manslaughter for the 11 deaths in the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig, and obstructing Congress as it probed the size of the spill

Bloomberg Share on twitter Share on Google Plus by John Kehoe One of BHP Billiton's top oil executives, David Rainey, will finally be free to fully focus on growing the Australian company's global petroleum portfolio, after being found not guilty of misleading the US government on the 2010 oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.Mr Rainey, the former vice president of exploration for the Gulf of Mexico at British Petroleum, was criminally charged in the US for allegedly obstructing a Congress investigation into the explosion that killed 11 people.At the time of the biggest oil spill in US history, he was installed as the deputy incident commander by the US Coast Guard. View full quote Company Profile ASX Announcements Expand ASX Announcements View all announcements "Not only did the jury acquit him in record time, but the judge agreed that it was the proper verdict."Mr Rainey, who was facing a potential jail sentence if convicted, is BHP's president of exploration, based in the oil and gas rich state of Texas.He has been bogged down by earlier court cases and appeals over the last couple of years

BP Gulf Oil Spill Cheat Sheet: A Timeline of Unfortunate Events : TreeHugger

Scientists claim they have found more than one oil plume, one of them "22 miles long, six miles wide and more than a thousand feet deep".BP CEO, Tony Hayward, was quoted saying: ""I'd Like My Life Back". BP was reported to be a finalist.On Friday we also compiled videos about the BP oil spill and we looked at how the oil could be cleaned up.Read more: The 'Katrina of Smell' is Attacking News Orleans Thanks to BP Oil SpillSaturday, May 1st SkyTruth, a small non-profit, analyzed radar and satellite imagery and estimated that the oil was leaking much faster than the original official estimates

Gulf of Mexico oil spill - Causes and effects

Comment Policy There was an error with your input: Write as a guest Your name What is the background color of the Allianz logo? * * Mandatory fields Write a Comment Do you have something interesting to add? Write a comment and discuss this topic with other readers. more Start again Related Galleries: Environment Pollution in the Pacific: A watery garbage patch Environment The top biodiversity hotspots on Earth April 21, 2011 When the Deepwater Horizon oil platform exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico, oil spilled into the sea for months

BP Oil Spill Responsible for Gulf of Mexico Dolphin Deaths - Scientific American

Dolphins are even more vulnerable to inhaling some of the hydrocarbons that can be present in air during an oil spill, given that a single breath is taken right at the water's surface amidst the oily sheen. Without enough of the adrenal hormones like cortisol, which protects against physical stresses, the Gulf dolphins were liable to be more susceptible to infection and cold temperatures

Hot Topics after Angeles Associated blog BP's Claims cleanup coast Daily Deepwater disaster Drilling Florida Guard Gulf Horizon Journal Leak Louisiana Media Mexico more News NOLA.com Obama offshore over Post press RELEASE Report response Safety says spill still Street Times Transocean UPDATE Video Wall Washington Well York You Decide How should we move forward? Expanding drilling in U.S

Assessing the Effects of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill on Human Health is a useful resource that can help policy makers, public health officials, academics, community advocates, scientists, and members of the public collaborate to create a monitoring and surveillance system that results in "actionable" information and that identifies emerging health risks in specific populations. Although studies of previous oil spills provide some basis for identifying and mitigating the human health effects of these exposures, the existing data are insufficient to fully understand and predict the overall impact of hazards from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the health of workers, volunteers, residents, visitors, and special populations

Cause Of Gulf Of Mexico Deepwater Oil Spill - Business Insider

Losing high quality oil would be much more of a blow than losing lower quality products that have been added to the reporting category, to disguise our true shortage of high-quality crude. But if, in the process, the fisherman doesn't have enough fuel for his boat, or his customers don't have jobs and can't buy the fish, he is not as much better off as he would seem to be

Study: BP oil spill in Gulf of Mexico 2010 could have been prevented

This applied in particular to the Gulf of Mexico, where the number of exemptions from various environmental requirements increased from three in 1997 up to 795 in 2000, all to avoid "cumbersome and unnecessary delays" in production. Woolfson has received unexpected support from the United States government, which recently submitted an application for a summons indictment through its Justice Department

Long Bridge down to one lane this week for inspections More in Environment News See all Environment News San Francisco Bay Area rattled by earthquake Tuesday Louisiana must safeguard BP settlement money for our coast: John Kennedy Federal judge to rehear arguments on forcing EPA to regulate dead zone-causing nutrients Work has to stop at proposed St. All rights reserved (About Us).The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of NOLA Media Group

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Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (2010) - The New York Times

13, 2014 Judge Stanwood Duval Jr of the Eastern District Court of Louisiana orders new trial for former BP engineer Kurt Mix, who was convicted of deleting text messages relevant to an investigation of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill; ruling finds that outside information influenced jury's verdict. 22, 2014 BP says it will ask Supreme Court to decide whether businesses must prove they were directly harmed by 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill to collect payments from a 2012 settlement

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